Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Morning Observations

--What Not to Do: Tilt your head back and lift the bag of Cinnamon Pita Chips (which by this point contains only tiny shards and broken bits, which is why you're lifting the bag in this way in the first place,) so quickly as to slide the sugary-cinnamony goodness not only into your mouth, but into your eye, where the sharp pita pieces stab you and cause you to wonder why you made all the choices that you did.

--Charlie Vazquez has a way with language.

--What is it with sports teams buying players here and there for millions of dollars? What happened to your loyalty? One minute you're a Bronco and then thirty-five million later and you're a Patriot and who cares? In this way, sports are like theater: a job is a job.

--Why is it that whenever people are listening to their iPods so loud that the sound comes blaring out of their ears and into the space, one more bit of noise pollution, they are always listening to the most tedious music?

--Speaking of music, I can't stop listening to Foreigner.

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